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About VegPRO

VegPRO coordinates targeted training for the vegetable industry. VegPRO wants to hear from you about specific needs. We will listen and make training happen that is relevant, timely, easy to access and responsive to the ever-changing production environment.

VegPRO is also looking for training providers that can design and deliver training.

VegPRO aims to fill gaps in existing services and also let you know where relevant training is already available.

VegPRO is free for vegetable levy payers; but training will also be available to others in the industry; packers, processors, wholesalers, retailers, logistics and service providers.


Take the next step – share your ideas or training needs with us and see what we can do for you or register as a training provider.


Vegetable growers or groups can also encourage a training provider to register with us, submit an idea or lodge a full application to provide training that meets your needs.



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